Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Kirkus-style review of Road Work by Stephen King as Richard Bachman


In “Road Work” by Stephen King we see a re-emergence of Richard Bachman.  Richard Bachman is Stephen King’s alter-ego who has brought us true horror such as “The Regulators.”  Stephen King has brought him back from the dead because that dark side of you never dies.  And Stephen King’s “dark side” is so massive it needs a name, social security number and owns a compound in Waco, Texas.  Bachman equates the main protagonist, Dawes, to a chained dog who ripped the throat out of a kid who just wanted to pet it.  The dog used to be friendly but years of abuse have turned it mean and so is anything Richard Bachman creates.  Stephen King agrees with Richard Bachman and is quoted as saying that Road Work is his favorite of his early books.   If any of this seems strange, dark or demonic—you’re right!  True horror is plausible horror and if this is your game you should play with Road Work.       

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